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See pictures from the Gala here and watch below for a special "thank you" from Coach!

Welcome to
the Bill Thorn
Book Project.

To write a bio about Coach Bill Thorn would only suffice to scratch the surface of the Forrest-Gump-type life he has lived – That's why we're writing an entire book!  Coach Thorn has carried the Olympic torch, survived prostate cancer, run the Peachtree Road Race 52 times (and counting!), coached thousands of athletes over more than six decades (earning a record-setting 42 state championships), started a high school from scratch, and raised a family alongside his wife of nearly 70 years, Patty. However, in Coach Thorn's own words, "I don’t like all this accolade stuff; I’m not like that." What perhaps better speaks to his legacy are the "Thornisms" he's left behind – lessons about goal-setting, persistence, and dedicated hard work that have guided his life and rubbed off on those he has coached, mentored, or crossed paths with along the way.


We're excited to bring the story of Coach Bill Thorn to the world!  First, we need more of your help. Click below to submit your best Thornisms and stories!




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